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L'dro D'lil Olath
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![]() This section of the site is dedicated to L'ssinssrigg d'lil Olath, this in english means, 'The loves of the
dark'. So I will be talking about some of the things I enjoy and why. I am not a typical guy, for many
reasons. Though if you talked to Chelsea you would get a different story, but she doesn't know me as
well as she thinks she does. I am infatuated with the world around me, no, not the social or human
world. The world of nature, and no, I do not care about its science, or what the minerals names are,
or how they are made. I care about what it is, how it looks, smells, tastes, and feels. And how it can
fill you with a sense of joy, and passion.
One of the things I probably enjoy the most, is the night. It is so beautiful and calm at night, the stars
sparkle and shine my eyes as if each one were calling for attention. The moon drifts through the deep
black rift of space, flooding my sight with a lovely silver glow. The cricets chime out endless rhyms,
and the wind brings in the sweet sent of the surroundings. Oh there are so many fine things in the night,
it is a much more personal, and inimate time at night. Many people think I like to go out at night, because
I wear black and it is difficult for me to be seen as I commit crimes of vandalizm, where in reality, I commit
no crimes at all. I walk, think, and breathe in the rejuvinating air as if each breath were my last. I cherish
the night. It is my time, I do not feel comfortable durning the day, for it is too fast paced. The world
flys by with hardly enough time to stop and enjoy what the world has to show. But at night... The stock
floors are quiet, and the peoples eyes which seem to always have dollar signs in them durning the day,
may finealy rest and relax in the comfortable setings that the night time brings. For me, the night is a
time of thought, and creation, I create many of my ideas at night. For it is the time that I feel most comfortable
Something else that brings me great pleasure is the autumn. If you read my poem titled droplets of
blood, you will see how I speak of the colors, and the smell. There are many beautiful sights durning
the autumn, and it is also the time I preform best. No matter what, I am always at peak form durning
the autumn. That is when I am truely rejuvinated, I feel I am given a boost of energy to get me through
another tedious cycle of the coming year. Though each season is wonderful and lovely, autumn is most
certainly my favorite.
Another thing of joy for me is my writings, I can release in them and let my mind flow like a boundless
river. I can let my emotions be brought to the surface, and let them gather a breath of air so they may
be realized at their full potental. I reguard my writings as priceless, I wouldn't trade them for anything,
I am normaly happy when I write, and if I am not, I will be by the time I have completed the last sent-
ance. As writing is a way for me to expand my little world alittle, and cause the flowers in it to bloom.
Only through thought will I bloom, and expand. And only through expressing those thoughts will I
gain more from those thoughts.
Another thing of happiness, is my fighting. No, I do not like fighting because it proves my dominance,
I like it because when I fight, my body is a canvus. Each movement is coordinated so they flow as
silk would in the wind. Each move is executed with such care that if it is not perfect, I will later train
at it for hours, only to prefect a tiny flaw. And the more I move, the more graceful I become, when
I fight, or train, or spar, I come to a different place. A place where I am no longer held back by the
laws of physics, or by physical restraints. There I am free, and each move brings more detail into the
world I have created though my pain, determination, and hard work. There is no better feeling then
that of a world you have created, being profected.
I love pain. Physical pain, for pain is an excilent release, it also allows me to be more creative.
More acertive, and more aware of my surroundings. Without pain I could not funtion or learn, and
that would devistate me. As I recieve pain, I am rewarded with new learnings, and I am tought just
how much I can take. If I am taken past my limit of pain, I will try to conquer that limit through training,
I will always strive to better myself, I will find my flaws through self destruction, and remove them
through self improvement. This is my creed, this is what I follow and believe, to better ones self,
they first must sacrifice.
I will conclude this now, I have many other things that bring me joy, and you may ask me about them.
I am not afraid to share my learnings with people that I think truely deserving to learn them. I have
strived and conquered emotionaly, phsycialy, and mentaly for the past six years of my life and am
begining to reep the binfits.
Thank you,
Wade R. Wilson
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